Inserting an Element into Web.Config or XML file using Powershell


The following is an overview on how to inject a new XML tag into an XML file at a specific location using a Powershell script. The functionality is often used during automated deployment but has several uses. There are several methods for accomplishing this, however I found the following to be most compatible with several versions.

Function AddClientToXml 
    # Load the web.config file into an XML document.
    $xmlDoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument

    # Create our XML to be inserted
    $clientXml = @"
            <endpoint address="RegistrationAddressValue"
                behaviorConfiguration="SampleClientCertificateBehavior" binding="wsHttpBinding"
                contract="Registration.RegistrationService" name="WSHttpBinding_RegistrationService">
                    <dns value="RegistrationDNS" />
    $clientNodes = $xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//system.serviceModel/client")
    # Check to see if the <client> node already exists.
    if ($clientNodes.Count -gt 0) {
        # The <client> node exists, so we'll replace it with the new one.
        # Set $clientNode to it's first child node.
        $clientNode = $clientNodes[0]
        # Replace the <client> node with $clientXML element
        $clientNode.ParentNode.ReplaceChild($xmlDoc.ImportNode($clientXml.DocumentElement, $true), $clientNode)
        # The <client> node doesn't exist, so we'll create it.
        $serviceModelNode = $xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode('//system.serviceModel')
        # Load the $clientXml string into a new XmlDocument object.
        $newXmlDoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument

        # Get the $clientXml as a node
        $importedNode = $xmlDoc.ImportNode($newXmlDoc.DocumentElement, $true)
        # Append the $importedNode to the $serviceModelNode

    return $xmlDoc
$webConfigPath = "C:\PATH TO WEB.CONFIG\Web.config"

After running the script the web.config specified to the function should resemble the following:

          <endpoint address="RegistrationAddressValue"
                behaviorConfiguration="SampleClientCertificateBehavior" binding="wsHttpBinding"
                contract="Registration.RegistrationService" name="WSHttpBinding_RegistrationService">
                    <dns value="RegistrationDNS" />

This approach is particularly useful when using CI/CD to deploy your code base to environments that require different configurations.

Hope this helps!

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